Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's October??

So you would think that someone who just retired would have loads of time on her hands...certainly enough time to update this poor, neglected blog once in a while.
But, after boxing up a 30 year career...selling the house....getting rid of so much stuff that I almost qualified for an episode of Hoarders... packing up the rest of it....and then moving....and then unpacking everything....
Well, let's just say that I ended up like this for the rest of the summer...
I read books, took naps, read more books, looked out at the lake, went for long walks.  And, did I mention I read books?  Lots and lots of books.
Of course, my loyal companion supported me in this...
And Jasper and Moses, being experts in nap-taking and all, helped also.
Then in August, we bought this:
And no, that is not Lucy sitting ON the table.  We would never allow that.
And we went here......
Prince Edward Island
and ate lots of this:
Then we stopped here:
Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy
And then we went here:

And yes, I do realize that I added a wool store to two beautiful natural wonders of the world.  Your point is.....?
Oh, and we also stopped here:
But that's a story for another post.


  1. A-ha! You've just retired! Isn't it a joy to have time to relax and do the things you've been looking forward to.
    And then suddenly you're more busy then when you were working. Zip and I wonder how we ever had time to work because now that we're retired we have no spare time at all! What went wrong??? LOL!

  2. Hi Debra, thanks you so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. I appreciate it very much. I see that we have a friend in common, Pat.

    Congratulations on your retirement. You've been on the go a lot since retirement. PEI is such a beautiful place and the people are so very friendly. My son in law comes from PEI and he brings me lobster ever time he goes back home for a visit.

    Your cats and Lucy seems to love lounging around while they have you home. I'm sure that they appreciate having you around.
    Have a nice relaxing week. JB

  3. Hi Debra,
    Great to see a post again! You are living our dream of having a camper and yours looks like just the right size!
    It's crazy how busy life keeps getting but glad to see you with your feet up!
    Lucy looks adorable and the kitties so cute!
    Can't wait to see what you found at the "hooked mats for sale" sign!
    Cathy G

  4. Welcome to the land of the "re-invent yourself-ers". Man, that was a busy summer, for sure, but now you can slow down hopefully. And get cozy. And make soup. And hook. And all those great things that come with cooler weather. I know we will all be much more fruitful on the frame as well. Enjoy!
