Monday, May 16, 2011

Fiesta Time!

Like many of you, I think nothing of a five hour round trip to look at wool. Last Saturday I did just that. Rog and I drove to Greenville to the Fiber Fiesta.

Oh--so much to see and touch. And although we are moving in just a few weeks and I really should be busy packing and NOT buying stuff for new projects, I just couldn't resist. I had to have these two batts:
They are so beautiful, it will almost be a shame to spin them. Perhaps I should just frame them and hang them on the wall. And everytime I walk by, I could just reach out and touch them.

I also meet the nicest young people--two brothers and their sister--who have their own etsy shop. I got the softest alpace/angora roving from them:

This is so soft I can hardly stand it. I can't wait to spin it--perhaps for a cozy winter scarf?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra,
    I'd be doing the same thing! Those fibers are too much too resist! If I ever have to move it will be a nightmare!
    Hope all goes well with your move and that you are doing well!
    Cathy G
