Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy.......
Gosh, it has been so long since I posted--the time is just flying by! What with the wedding, school starting and physical therapy three times a week, it seems like I get up in the morning and before I know it the day is over and I'm back in bed again.
All good stuff, however. The wedding, as I said in my last post, was just perfect. And if any of you would like to drop by, I'll be glad to sit down with you and a cup of tea and show you 32,438 wedding photos and discuss them in excruciating detail.
School is off to a good start. I have a nice group of young men and in spite of a few ups and downs, everyone is beginning to settle in and adjusting to the routine. I have two new paraprofessionals and they are very nice and we all seem to be getting along.
Physical therapy is going well. The therapist told me on Friday I could stop using my cane, which delighted me to no end until I tried to walk a long distance without it. Right now, I won't be entering any marathons, but I am beginning to see the light at the end of that tunnel.
Of course, I'm still plugging along on my rug. Here is my slightly wonky bluebird of happiness:
I also finished a couple of the flowers. A blue trio:
Monday, September 14, 2009
Love, Sweet Love
On Saturday we experienced a wonderful celebration of love as my son married his sweetheart and best friend.
They wanted a intimate, country wedding and, I have to say, the end result was beautiful and personal. It was truly a family affair. My sister and brother-in-law graciously offered their house as the site for the wedding. My niece performed the ceremony and my niece-in-law, who is a professional photographer, took the pictures. One of my good friends made the invitations and my former sister-in-law made the cake. The happy couple was surrounded by people who love them and wanted them to have the perfect day.
While we don't have the "official" pictures yet, several people were kind enough to share pictures they took throughout the day.
They were married under this rustic arbor made by my brother-in-law.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oh, Mercy Me......
......two days of school down and I am tired, tired, tired! Last night I went to bed at 7:30! But the year is starting off well, and I have a nice group of kids. I think it will be a good year.
I finally took some pictures of my Crazy Quilt rug. Progress is slow, but steady.
I finally took some pictures of my Crazy Quilt rug. Progress is slow, but steady.
I'm working on the flowers on the right and then I think I will tackle the bigger leaves. I need to dye some wool, but discovered I left my dyes at the lake! Oh well, too tired to worry about all that now---I'm off to do a little school work and then to bed. I may manage to stay up past 9:00 tonight!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Puttering About....
.....and that's exactly what I have been doing. A little of this and a little of that. While I am out of the cast, I still have to rely on a cane or crutches and need to rest frequently, so things get done in bits and pieces.
I've been in my classroom setting things up. It's not as ready as I would like, but it's the best I can do this year. One things of learned in this recovery process is the concept of "good enough".
I've also been working on my Crazy Quilt rug and making slow, but steady progress. I'm getting some of the larger motifs done and as soon as they are finished, I'll move on to the background. I tried to take some pictures, but the light is fading and my camera doesn't seem to take good pictures when it is dark outside--or maybe it is the photographer, who knows?
And for those of you who have been sitting up nights worried about my safety.......when Moses and Jasperkitty are not busy helping arrange my wool stash, they are on the job alert for any signs of our very own axis of evil.......
I've been in my classroom setting things up. It's not as ready as I would like, but it's the best I can do this year. One things of learned in this recovery process is the concept of "good enough".
I've also been working on my Crazy Quilt rug and making slow, but steady progress. I'm getting some of the larger motifs done and as soon as they are finished, I'll move on to the background. I tried to take some pictures, but the light is fading and my camera doesn't seem to take good pictures when it is dark outside--or maybe it is the photographer, who knows?
And for those of you who have been sitting up nights worried about my safety.......when Moses and Jasperkitty are not busy helping arrange my wool stash, they are on the job alert for any signs of our very own axis of evil.......
a chipmunk that is apparently building condos under my front porch and selling them to his little chipmunky friends. Oh, the growling, the hissing, the throwing themselves against the screen-- all in the hope of just one minute with that evildoer. So sleep well are safe tonight.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Home Again
For good this time, I'm afraid. No more lazy summer days at the lake for me.
Then when everything was back in its place, he was so worn out from all that work that he needed a nap. And there is no better place for a nap than in the wool cupboard!
The finished project........
Whew......I'm tired.....I think I'll go take a nap!
When I go to up north for the summer, I take all the wool I will need for the rug on which I am currently working. Because this rug is so eclectic and I wasn't sure exactly what wool I was going to need, I ended up taking a good portion of my wool cabinet with me. Believe me, Rog was thrilled when he realized that the largest and heaviest of my suitcases was full of wool!
Coming home means I have to reverse this process and put everything back in the cabinet. Of course, I had helpers. Jasperkitty thought that my wool might have lost that fine sheen of cat hair while it was away over the summer, so he had jump into the suitcase and remedy that right away.....
Moses thought that all this fuss over wool was just craziness, and instead decided to catch his nap in the warmth of the afternoon sun.
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