Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Deck Us All With Boston Charlie
Anyway, we are pulling into the home stretch of Christmas festivities around here. It didn't look good for a while, as I spent most of December laid low by some sort of virus from hell. By the time I dragged myself to the doctors I had bronchitis, a sinus infection and the plague of school teachers everywhere: pink eye (The other plague is head lice, which I have managed to avoid so far). But with the help of a good strong antibiotic, an inhaler and some steroids I'm starting to get back to normal.
We did get our trees up. I say "trees" because I gave up on huge Christmas trees once my kids became adults and moved on to a few tabletop trees sprinkled throughout the house.
This one has all my favorite ornaments--the ones my kids made, gifts from friends, some angel ornaments that belonged to my mom......a little tree with a lot of memories.
This is becoming my new Christmas obsession:
Glitter houses--or Putz houses. Isn't' it great? This is a new one, but you can find old ones on E-bay. They used to be popular back in the 40's and 50's and were sold in dime stores. They have holes in the back to insert a light and most of them had cellophane in the windows to create a nice glow (and was probably the cause of many a Christmas fire!) I bought one for this year and want to keep adding on until I get my own little winter village under my little tree.
All my rug hooking has been put away until after the holidays. Too messy to leave out. Perhaps that should be my New Year's resolution--find a way to organize myself so I don't have wool and frames and backing and more wool scattered all through the house. I continue to work on our new baby Marla's little blankie. The baby shower is in January, so I better get hopping on that one.
We are taking a trip after Christmas, so I should have plenty of knitting time in the car.....more on that later........
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I know I stated previously that I was going to work on finishing up some of the many projects I have started around here and at the time, flushed with the success of finally finishing something, I really, really meant it. But then before I actually knew what I was doing I was off to a nearby yarn shop to buy this:
I'll give you a little sneak preview of the finished product.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Yeah, I know. Can't get too excited about it.
I think it is the 23 years of classroom Halloween parties and parades. About all I can say about being a teacher and the whole Halloween experience is--well--there's just not enough Xanax in the world to take the edge off of a classroom full of over-excited, sugar-filled, crazed children.
Anyway, thought I'd share the one and only Halloween decoration I managed to put out this year.
It's a wool stitchery that my sister made for me several years ago. I'm not sure what Jasperkitty is looking at.
A ghost????
Scary goblins????
Or the dust bunnies in the light fixture???
And have you noticed that Mr. Jasper seems to worm his big bad self into any picture I take?
Enjoy the little goblins, black cats, and ghosties that come trick or treating your way tonight!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Done and Hung!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dying Without A Net

I'm sure you will see some of this wool showing up in my Crazy Horse Quilt rug--especially the reds and browns (actually the golds on the left are really more of a brown). And that little bit of black fluff in the background on the left? Mr. Jasperkitty trying to get into the act. He truly feels that each piece of wool isn't ready for use unless it has a good coating of cat hair!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I Heart You
So I figured I had either just passed my yearly performance review or he was really happy it was time for lunch!
Hope your day has a least one hug.....
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Just One Thing After Another
Sorry, didn't mean to shout. It's just that most of the time I feel like I am caught working in Superman's Bizarre-o world. You know, the one where everything is just the opposite of what it should be.
Oh well.....cleansing breath.....I know just what I need......take a drive up north to the cottage, spend some time with my husband and see all the beautiful fall foliage. So off I went to see this:

Monday, October 5, 2009
Fiber Festival--Second Time Around
You sandwich the roving between two pieces of plastic, first spraying it with a mixture of water and dish detergent. You have to really wet the roving all the way through. Then the fun part begins.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy.......
Monday, September 14, 2009
Love, Sweet Love
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oh, Mercy Me......
I finally took some pictures of my Crazy Quilt rug. Progress is slow, but steady.
I'm working on the flowers on the right and then I think I will tackle the bigger leaves. I need to dye some wool, but discovered I left my dyes at the lake! Oh well, too tired to worry about all that now---I'm off to do a little school work and then to bed. I may manage to stay up past 9:00 tonight!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Puttering About....
I've been in my classroom setting things up. It's not as ready as I would like, but it's the best I can do this year. One things of learned in this recovery process is the concept of "good enough".
I've also been working on my Crazy Quilt rug and making slow, but steady progress. I'm getting some of the larger motifs done and as soon as they are finished, I'll move on to the background. I tried to take some pictures, but the light is fading and my camera doesn't seem to take good pictures when it is dark outside--or maybe it is the photographer, who knows?
And for those of you who have been sitting up nights worried about my safety.......when Moses and Jasperkitty are not busy helping arrange my wool stash, they are on the job alert for any signs of our very own axis of evil.......
a chipmunk that is apparently building condos under my front porch and selling them to his little chipmunky friends. Oh, the growling, the hissing, the throwing themselves against the screen-- all in the hope of just one minute with that evildoer. So sleep well are safe tonight.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Home Again
Moses thought that all this fuss over wool was just craziness, and instead decided to catch his nap in the warmth of the afternoon sun.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Life is Good
Yes, life is good around here.
After four days of rain, cold and general gloom, we finally have a what my husband calls a "bluebird day".....
I am, after ten weeks in various casts, in two shoes......
And best of all, Rog's daughter and two of his grandchildren are coming to visit for a few days.
Yes, life is good!