As I don't seem to have the best camera in the world, the leaf is outlined in a dark olive green, the veins are in a very dark almost teal color and the little dots are a greenish gold. It will be filled in with a dark olive green on one side and a little olive green on the other. Did I mention how much I love this rug???
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hanging With My Peeps
As I don't seem to have the best camera in the world, the leaf is outlined in a dark olive green, the veins are in a very dark almost teal color and the little dots are a greenish gold. It will be filled in with a dark olive green on one side and a little olive green on the other. Did I mention how much I love this rug???
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Giving My Cast the Boot
What is it you ask? I have started to knit a shawl for my son's wedding in September. What about the rug hooking you ask?
Oh you have sadly underestimated my ADD and my ability to begin new projects without any pesky thoughts about finishing what I started or pursuing something until the end. For me, it all about the excitement about starting something new.
As for the shawl. Let's just say I am not feeling the love. First of all it is lace, which means reading a chart. Which also means actually thinking about what you are doing while you are doing it. You can imagine how I feel about that. I have so far gone through three different patterns, each one easier than the last. This is the easiest one yet and I have started it over three-count 'em-three times. What you see above is the last attempt.
Well, not the last attempt. I actually have one other pattern left to try which is even easier. In fact, to get any easier I would probably have to just unravel the whole skein of yarn and drape it artfully over my shoulders. And speaking of the yarn--did I mention that it is lace weight. Which is like knitting with very thin thread. I am not even kidding. It is the worst.
Sigh........but I have to finish this. You know how expensive yarn is (well, maybe you don't know, but you could probably feed a third world country for a year for the cost of a hand-knit sweater) and the very nice lady at the yarn shop ordered another skein for me back when I actually thought I could knit lace and finish this baby.
So, I'll keep trying. It is very pretty handpainted yarn in beautiful fall colors. I'll let you know how it goes.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Here Comes the Sun!
I bet you didn't know this was a decorating blog! The only thing that I can say in our defense is that they were here when we moved in. The fact that we moved in eight years ago and haven't yet taken them down, say loads for our character.
Anyway, back to rug hooking. I promised you a picture yesterday of my little speckled hen:

Isn't she just so cute? I put the wool next to her so you could see the texture of the wool I used. Susan Quicksall, in her tips for hooking this rug, suggests that first do all the items in the foreground and to hook a row of a neutral color around them. I chose a very light gray for that. Because the rug is so busy, this really helps to keep them from being lost.
Now what shall I hook next? ...............a leaf? ............a horse? ...........or perhaps a flower?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Rain, rain..............
This has been the coolest, rainiest summer I can remember in a long time--even for Michigan.
Yesterday we planned to go the Dulcimer Festival in Evart--rain.
Today we wanted to go to the Art Fair dowtown--more rain.
It's not that I will melt or anything, but I had surgery on my Achilles Tendon at the beginning of the summer, and I'm still in a cast and am either using crutches or my little Roll-About scooter. Neither option works well on a rainy day--especially in the middle of a muddy fairground or city park.
The upside to all this is that I have plenty (and I mean plenty) of time to rug hook. I started my Crazy Horse Quilt rug. I began with the hen, mostly because I couldn't wait to use the wool I choose. It is a texture that, when hooked, looks just like a little speckled hen.
Which I would show you, but for some reason the internet is not cooperating and letting me download pictures. Stay tuned for pictures!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hello--Anyone Out There?!?
As you can see the rug is not what I call "finished/finished". The hooking is done. It has been steamed. The edges have not been turned under and whipped.
Sigh......this is one of my biggest personality flaws. I can never quite finish a project. I get almost there.......and then it's................"Oh look! Something shiny!" And off I go in another direction.
This time things are no different. Here is my latest project:
This design in called "Crazy Horse Quilt" and is by Susan Quicksal of Holly Hill Designs. I LOVE this rug. It is crazy busy and should be really fun to hook. I can't wait to start.