Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rain, rain..............

Go away!!!

This has been the coolest, rainiest summer I can remember in a long time--even for Michigan.

Yesterday we planned to go the Dulcimer Festival in Evart--rain.

Today we wanted to go to the Art Fair dowtown--more rain.

It's not that I will melt or anything, but I had surgery on my Achilles Tendon at the beginning of the summer, and I'm still in a cast and am either using crutches or my little Roll-About scooter. Neither option works well on a rainy day--especially in the middle of a muddy fairground or city park.

The upside to all this is that I have plenty (and I mean plenty) of time to rug hook. I started my Crazy Horse Quilt rug. I began with the hen, mostly because I couldn't wait to use the wool I choose. It is a texture that, when hooked, looks just like a little speckled hen.
Which I would show you, but for some reason the internet is not cooperating and letting me download pictures. Stay tuned for pictures!

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